VIVA Health, Inc.

VIVA Health, Inc.
3071 Dauphin Street
Mobile, AL 36606
United States

VIVA Medicare Select is a $0 per month plan designed just for people who don't need prescription drug coverage. If you are a Veteran and currently receive your care through the VA, we have a plan that enables you to see providers outside of the VA through VIVA's extensive network of doctors and hospitals. You can then rely on the VA drug coverage to get your medications and enjoy VIVA Medicare perks such as these: VIVA Medicare for Veterans, VIVA Medicare Select plan offers Veterans:* Access to providers outside of the VA through VIVA's extensive network of doctors and hospitals* $0 monthly premium* Worldwide emergency coverage* After hours urgent care without having to meet the deductible associated with original Medicare* Dental & Vision Benefits* Fitness Center Benefit*

KEYWORDS: Health Insurance, Medicare, Health Coverage, VA Health Care, VA Medical, Supplemental Insurance